Ginny Petty

avginnyfsf, March 19, 2017

I love your website and I love looking at the old photos.

I wanted to let you know that this photo of Lars Johan Wählstedt is not correctly identified. The man in the 1890 in census in Fryksände was my great, great grandfather. He was a farmer and never left Fryksände (although his children spread out to many places). There was another man with the same name, and a similar birth date, who was a famous Swedish botanist. He was from Kristianstad and had a PhD from Lund University. (

As you can see, the photo was taken in Cristiania by L. Szacinski. Mr. Szacinski was a famous Norwegian photographer about whom much information has been written. It makes sense that Lars-Johan-Wåhlstedt-the-botanist had his picture taken there, as he traveled to Noway to give lectures.

I wish the photo WAS my great, great grandfather because we have no photos of him. But my ancestor was just a farmer who probably did not have fancy clothes like that! I DO have photos of my great grandmother (his daughter) and they look nothing like the photo--total opposites. Before I figured who the man in the photo was, I was really confused!

I apologize for posting in English, but I know very little Swedish! Thanks for all the interesting information you provide on your website.

Regards, Ginny, Minnesota, USA

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